Photoshop Lollipop Tutorial

| Saturday, August 9, 2008


1. Open a new photoshop file, any size. Click on the marquee tool and change it to a circle, then holding down shift, draw a circle on your canvas. Fill it in with any color. Drop the opacity to around 85%.

2. Make a new layer. Click on the circular marquee tool again and draw a smaller circle on top of the other one, leaving at least an 1/8 ” border on all sides. It should basically only take up the top 3/4 of the big circle.

Click on the gradient tool and go to the Gradient Editor (click on the rectangle at the top of the screen with the gradient).

Click on the second gradient (the one that’s half transparent) and change the first color to white and the second should be transparent.

Click and drag your mouse across the length of the circle in a relatively straight line. Press control d (deselect) and lower the opacity to 75%.

3. Make a new layer. Click on the circular marquee tool and draw a circle that’s about the same size as the big one, but it doesn’t have to be exactly on top of it. Then at the top of the screen with the overlapping boxes, click on the third one (subtract from selection). Now draw a circle that overlaps the one you just made so it leaves only a crescent selected. Move it to the upper left corner.

Fill it in with the same white-transparent gradient you used before, and drop the opacity to 75%.

4. Your canvas should be big enough to fit a lollipop stick. If it isn’t, just take the crop tool, select your whole canvas, then drag down the bottom arrow and double click.

Click on the background layer and make a new layer (this is just so it’s under the lollipop candy part). Change the marquee tool to the rectangular marquee tool and draw a thin, long rectangle that overlaps half of your lollipop.

Click on the gradient tool once more and make one that’s dark brown, light brown, and dark brown. Holding down shift, draw a line that goes across the width of your lollipop stick only. Press control d.


Also try it with a gray stick instead of brown. :)

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