Tutorial Mask Mode In Photoshop

| Saturday, June 16, 2007

this tutorial will teach you
how correct your layer image in photoshop
with simple way

not using path tool
we can use easy way like lasso tools
or magic wand
and for
the last finish touch
we can use Quick mask mode

last look image below here

now i will use magic wand for selecting image

you can look because the image we select same colour like
the face, the face seleclted to
becouse of that we must use Quick mask mode for finish touch haha

push the button edit in quick mask mode
and now you enter to mask mode..

in quick mask mode
red are the not selected area
and white is the selected area

now we must carefurly
we must use brush tool to colouring the white zone to red zone
for that use black colour in brush mode
and drag in area what we want to selected
and dont forget in difficulty area we cant
change size of brush tools or the opacity

the finish image will like the image under me

and when you finish klik again
edit in standart mode
and look in image under me

and you now can click delete in your keyboard or you can copy
your background image

and your image now good :D
now you simple adjust your background with you one to use

im sorry if my english bad
if you want the selected area more cleaner you can use lasso tools
and you can enter quick mas mode for the finishing touch ^^

all Credit to Psycheangel my self
dont copy this tutor if not with my permession

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