Snowy Text Effect

| Wednesday, September 26, 2007

firstly document create of the size 450 * 180

then clicked text tool and writes text which you want

if its(the colour possible to rather dark orange and its(the measure is rather big

new layer create to layer teks,pilih the new layer then resistant ctrl and clicked d

picture layer text . like example

if succeeded hence will emerge selection in around text

then select > modify>expand and contents of 2 pixel

then changed colour with white colour and alt+backspace for memfill the selection becomes white colour

changed with eraser toollalu delete some of the white colours became only remains a few on the top

like example . and doesn't too straight . rather surging create like fall snow to the text

right click in layer that snow and blending option.

gives bevel and emboss with setting like following

then filter > noise > median contents of with 2 pixel

in layer right click text blending option

select;chooses drop shadow and select;chooses bevel and emboss to give setting like following.

then selected pattern overlay, and gives setting like following

result would like this :

tutorial By Itlust @

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[Tutorial]Vanishs Background With Masking


in this tutorial,it is drawing which we to make object now create background becomes layer with clicking 2x picture in layer window

then clicked

to make new mask

then paid attention to will emerge white picture in layer window like this

white picture click in layer window

then started sapukan brush with black colour of you are to part which wish to be eliminated

remembers black colour at brush to eliminate object and white to return it

( became can be improve;repaired any time if happened mistake)

( to water down create background with colour kontrast in order not to wrong in

sweeps brush like this

The Result :


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10 tips & tricks to make your work easier in Photoshop


Learn how to optimize your work in photoshop with this tutorial

I will start with my first Photoshop tutorial, ok it's not really a tutorial just some tips, general things that I found to be very useful when working in Photoshop. Even if you are an expert I think you will find some of this stuff usefull:

* Right after you installed Photoshop onto your computer, go to Edit > Preferences > General (CTRL+K shortcut) and start customizing the program according to your needs. For example I always choose Zoom with Scroll Wheel from the General (CTRL+1) section then I go to the Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks (CTRL+7) section where I will choose my first and second Scratch Disk; usually I will not choose the first Scratch Disk to be the one that has the system (I use Windows) installed on. Then I will go to the Memory & Image Cache (CTRL+8) section where I will set the Cache Levels to 8 (maximum possible) and the RAM to 55-65% to be Maximum Used by Photoshop (remember that changes will take effect the next time you start Photoshop).

* An easier way to switch between the different hidden tools is to use the keyboard shortcut along with the Shift key.

* Pressing the ALT key when you are using the Polygonal Lasso Tool will allow you use the Lasso Tool and inverse; you can combine these two in order to make a better and efficient selection. I reccomand the use of the Polygonal Lasso Tool (combined with a 300-400% zoom) when you are making a complicated selection (like when you are trying to extract an object from it's background).

* Pressing the ALT key when you are using the Dodge Tool will allow you to use the Burn tool and inverse.

* Pressing the ALT key when you are using the Blur Tool will allow you to use the Sharpen tool and inverse.

* Pressing the ALT key when you click with the Text Tool will bring you a dialog box where you will be able to choose the Paragraph text size.

* Pressing the Space key at any time will let you use the Hand Tool. Pressing the Space key combined with CTRL key at any time will let you use the Zoom Tool (the zoom in option, for the zoom out option also use the ALT key, so it's CTRL+ALT+SPACE for zoom out).

* Pressing the ALT key when you are using the Move Tool will allow you to duplicate a layer or a selected portion from a layer (if you have a selection made)

* Pressing the ALT key when you are using the Ellipse Tool, Rectangle Tool, Rounded Rectangle Tool or Custom Shape Tool to draw the shape from the centre.

Pressing the Space key when you are using one of the marquee tools or shape tools will allow you to move the selection or the shape while you are drawing it.

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[Tutorial Photoshop] Makes Photograph Like Vector picture


photo file open is wishing you to turn into looking like vector

for example this

press d then filter>sketch>photocopy

will become like this

for example this

then with poligonal lasso tool started selection of picture yg seen (remembers doesn't be natty leted isn't it its form rather box)

then new layer create and filled with black colour made part doesn't altogether direct is selected

after completed fill layer background with white colour

this is my final result


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Simple Text Board Animation


this tutor will teach you how to make simple text board
you now text board right?
ok first
make dokumen 3x3 pixel,then zoom until fit screen,klik 2 time layer background

until layer background not locked ...

then erase background colour in the layer.

with pencil tool make cross picture like this image

then edit define pattern,name the patern as cross patern

close the dokumen and make the new dokumen with size 450 * 50

colour the layer with black colour,and then new layer,fill the layer with cros patern that we make it in the beginning.

now make text with yellow colour example :"Aku sayang mama" make the layer text betwen

layer background and layer that we fill with cross pattern.

like this image

now for make the animation go to Windows -> Animation

move teks "aku sayang mama"to left layer until not in the layer.

and new layer like this

make 3 frame,and then in frame ke 2
put text "aku sayang mama" to the center of the layer

like this

in frame 3 put the text to right side until not in the layer

next blok frame 1 and 2 tween

tween 5 frame...

look there is new frame in animation window now click frame 1

until frame 6 and change the time from 0.0 sec change it to 0.2 sec (you can changed it to smaller number if you want text move more fast)

then blok again frame 7 until 8 and tween 5 frame

blok frame 7 and change from 0.0 sec to 5 sec

blok frame 8-12 change from 0.0 sec to 0.2 sec

blok frame 13 change from 0.0 sec to 2 sec

and that's done it

remmamber to save the file type animation gif!!!

example :

with little creative you can make 3 diffrent animation text with one image

like this

ok ty for come to my web

Credit to Itlust @

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Disclaimer: Lots of Tutorial in this Blogs is from other site. If you dont like your tutorial in here contact me to delete it.