Simple Text Board Animation

| Wednesday, September 26, 2007

this tutor will teach you how to make simple text board
you now text board right?
ok first
make dokumen 3x3 pixel,then zoom until fit screen,klik 2 time layer background

until layer background not locked ...

then erase background colour in the layer.

with pencil tool make cross picture like this image

then edit define pattern,name the patern as cross patern

close the dokumen and make the new dokumen with size 450 * 50

colour the layer with black colour,and then new layer,fill the layer with cros patern that we make it in the beginning.

now make text with yellow colour example :"Aku sayang mama" make the layer text betwen

layer background and layer that we fill with cross pattern.

like this image

now for make the animation go to Windows -> Animation

move teks "aku sayang mama"to left layer until not in the layer.

and new layer like this

make 3 frame,and then in frame ke 2
put text "aku sayang mama" to the center of the layer

like this

in frame 3 put the text to right side until not in the layer

next blok frame 1 and 2 tween

tween 5 frame...

look there is new frame in animation window now click frame 1

until frame 6 and change the time from 0.0 sec change it to 0.2 sec (you can changed it to smaller number if you want text move more fast)

then blok again frame 7 until 8 and tween 5 frame

blok frame 7 and change from 0.0 sec to 5 sec

blok frame 8-12 change from 0.0 sec to 0.2 sec

blok frame 13 change from 0.0 sec to 2 sec

and that's done it

remmamber to save the file type animation gif!!!

example :

with little creative you can make 3 diffrent animation text with one image

like this

ok ty for come to my web

Credit to Itlust @

1 komentar:

Sadewo said...

Nice blog too. Thanks for visiting mine.

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