iPods are awesome, but the black ones look the coolest, and it’s not that hard to make one from scratch in Photoshop.
1. Make a new image about 250px by 360px. Make a new layer and, using the rounded rectange tool, fill up most of the space with a black rectangle (only leave a few pixels around the edges so there’s room for shadows later on).
Apply the following layer styles (double click on the layer):
Drops shadow-
Blend mode: multiply, black
Opacity: 60%
Angle: 119
Distance: 3px
Spread: 0px
Size: 9px
So this is what you should have:
2. Next, make a new layer and drag it underneath the other one. Take a size 9px soft round brush and draw a line at the top and bottom of the ipod so only part of the line shows (the soft part). Lower the layer’s opacity to 60%.
3. Take the Polygonal Lasso Tool and draw a diagonal line from off the top of the ipod in about 30px and down off the ipod to the bottom right corner. Then just draw a line up, then across to connect the triangle.
Use the gradient tool on a new layer (standard black and white one) and draw a gradient from the bottom of the ipod to the top, holding down shift. Change the blending mode of the layer to Screen, and lower the opacity to 60%.
4. Press control and u to bring up the Hue/Saturation screen. Check Colorize and change the settings as follows, since ipods have a bluish tint:
Hue: 227, Saturation: 14, Lightness: -27
5. Make a new layer (haha, everything always goes on new layers ) and use the rounded rectangle tool again to make a black rectangle about half the size of the ipod at the top. This is part of the screen.
Adding the following settings for drop shadow in the layer styles:
Opacity: 26%, Angle: 119, Distance: 1px, Spread: 0px, Size: 1px
6. Make another new layer. Use the regular rectangle tool to draw a white rectangle over the black one, leaving a few pixels around all sides.
7. Make a new layer and make a black circle on it with the shape tool. Press control and u, check colorize, and match these settings:
Hue: 220, Saturation: 100, Lightness: 1
Now adding a gradient to the layer style with these settings (all the others set at their default):
Opacity: 23%, Angle: 119
8. Make a new layer with a small black circle in the center of the other circle.
9. Type the word ‘Menu’ in white Arial text, or Myriad Pro if you have it, and move it to the top of the outside circle.
10. With white as your color, use the polygon tool (sides: 3) and line tool (2px) to copy the shapes I have below. You could also use the font Webdings to get some of the play, forward, etc, buttons (9 is for forward, then you can just copy the layer and flip horizontally with free transform).
11. All that’s left is to add a picture of your favorite band (go Paramore!). Use the Free Transform tool to get it as close as possible to the right size, then select the parts that hang over with the Rectangular Marquee Tool and press the delete key on your keyboard. Done! =)
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