Photoshop Slime Tutorial

| Saturday, August 9, 2008


1. Open a new file in Adobe Photoshop, size 300px by 300px (or any size, just not too small).

2. Make a new layer, and draw some black squiggly lines. Make sure they’re not too dense and they’re not at the bottom.

3. Filter- Distort- Polar Coordinates- Polar to Rectangular. This will be the basis of your slime shape, so if it doesn’t look right to you, undo a couple steps and redraw the black lines.

4. Go to Filter- Distort- Plastic Wrap, and change the settings to Highlight: 15, Detail: 9, and Smoothness: 7.

5. Go to Filter- Noise- Add Noise. The settings should be 5, Gaussian, and Monochromatic. You don’t want too much noise- just enough to add some chunky texture to your slime. ;) Then go to Filter- Noise- Despeckle and Filter- Noise- Despeckle (you’re doing it twice). This is so the noise is blurred out, but it doesn’t blur out the whole picture like a Gaussian Blur would.

6. Now we’re going to make this slime green! Press control + u to open the Hue/Saturation box and check Colorize. Change the numbers to 90, 80, and 40 (or whatever looks good to you).

7. Duplicate the layer (Layer- Duplicate Layer) and click on the bottom one. Go to Filter- Blur- Motion Blur and change the number to 90 and click ok. Now it looks like your slime is dripping! Eww!

And here’s our final product:

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