Open a new document in Photoshop
Then open the following texture image in Photoshop. The name of the texture is: rocks-concrete-(34).jpg
Please note that you need the high resolution texture, and not the following thumbnail
After you open the texture in Photoshop, you need to select “Move tool” , and with this tool, you can drag the texture image on your layout
document.After that you can drag , and change the size of the texture until you are happy with the placement. here it is what i have
Now i will press on CTRL+U ( hue saturation ) , and i will use the following settings
I will go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen more
Then i will press CTRL+F ( with this shortcut i will repeat the filter one more time )
This is my result so far
With Rounded rectangle tool, i will create some shapes, with different colors
Now i will add a stock image with a very beautifull girl.
I will select Polygon Tool, and i will use the following settings
I will set my foreground color to #ca0000, then i will create a few triangles, and i will place them on my buttons
on this buttons i will place some text, and some numbers
you can see that the numbers have another opacity. to change the opacity for this layer, you need to select the layer, then you can change the opacity value to 20 %
Now i will add some text, and some images on my layout alone. this is my result so far
I will create a new layer right above the texture layer. to create a new layer in that place, first you need to select the texture layer, then press on CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N
Grab brush tool, then use a big smooth brush
with this brush make a simple point on your layout
Now you can change the blending mode for this layer to Overlay
I hope you like my final result.
As you can see a good texture image can change the overla look of the layout. If you want to
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