‘Breakout’ Photo Effect.

| Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breakout’ Photo Effect.

Step 1:

Let’s start out by creating a new file. I used a 700×525 pixels canvas set at 72dpi, and I filled my background with a black color. In a new layer add a picture of a face, grab the example used in this tutorial here.

Step 2:

Duplicate your picture layer from step one and go to Filter > Pixelate > Pointilize, add the settings below.

Step 3:

Turn the picture into black and white by going to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.

Step 4:

Now sharpen the image through Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen More.

Step 5:

Set the layer’s blending mode to Soft Light at 80% opacity.

Step 6:

Create a new layer and draw a black circle with 57 x 57 px dimensions.

Step 7:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Outer Glow, Inner Glow Satin and Gradient Overlayblending options to your black layer. Then set the layer’s blending mode to Lighten.

Step 8:

You should now have a break out effect on the skin.

Step 9:

Add more break out designs by duplicate the original layer and resizing through Edit > Transform > Scale.


‘Breakout’ Photo Effect.

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